Introducing my first thoroughly autobiographical handmade book.
'Drowning, not waving' was an examination.
'The Devil's Alphabet' was an illustration.
'Evidence' was a fabrication.
'The black book' was an exhibition.
'No such thing as silence' is a confession.

As of October 2011 I will have been walking this planet for 43 years
and being of a sentimental nature this book will be
a limited edition of 43 copies.
It seemed appropriate to devise and unconventional binding.
Banded the book opens vertically in a conventional manner.
Remove the band and you can open the book in a manner I call Sidewinder.
There is no wrong order. In this matter there is no order at all.

The pages pivot on a solid brass binding post.
Metallic copper cover with handcolored collage
on fine Rives BFK printmaker's paper.
The introduction sets the scene and is printed on canvas.

The contents: 19 images, luster surface reproductions.
As you spin the sequence you can manipulate the story.
The Images:

To see them larger you can visit them as a set in sequence here:
To live up to its' title this book comes with bells on.
They have been around for a long, long time.
The ribbons hang down.
As a child I pressed flowers in between the pages of my books.
The prints are mounted on Indian Petal Paper.
Acid free rag paper infused with dried flowers.
As to the paper on which the prints sit there are three different versions.
One book has pages infused with blue cornflower-blue is for memory.
The second: infused with Mughal Rose petals-red is for passion.
The third: infused with yellow star flowers-yellow for hope + promise.
You do not get to choose your color.
I have already assigned colors to numbers of the edition at random.
What you get will be left up to chance.
There is a fragile signature on the front cover, which may or may not
fade away over time; and a graphite signature on the endpage
which will not.

I like all my books but this one is precious to me.
It is $99 + shipping.
As always, I keep them as inexpensive as I can.
Book + Shipping in the Continental US - $111
(Priority Mail w/delivery confirmation)
Book + Shipping International: $119.00 First Class
Paypal is my payment option of choice.
I have a business verified account.
But in the Continental US I will accept a check or money order.
I took a leap of faith on this one and bought supplies in advance.
Ordered books will ship within 10 days.
If interested drop me a line at my personal email: