Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kiss The Past Goodbye

Collages from years past. Shadowboxed & ready to hang for your convenience.

These are shadowboxed, works I did at the change of the millenium 2000-2001.
These are the pieces that led me astray from a formal straight printer and toner to an aspiring chemical alchemist. They are collaged with many never before seen (private) gelatin silver prints, treats and trinkets, hospital arm bands, rough sandpaper, mummified birds and butterflies, reeds and mermaids.
The prints referred to as "personal vintage" pre-date 1990, when I was just beginning.
They are contained- shadowboxed, entirely autobiographical, black eyes and regretted relationships, my second tattoo;
and it is time to let them go.
I try never to dwell on past work, the only picture I wish to think about is the next one but I cannot allow these to languish in the cedar closet in the basement.

So consider giving them a home. This is a garage sale.

Any of these 8 boxes are just $77 including shipping in the Continental US. Signed and dated.
For International shipping (first class) the box is $103

There is only one of each.

If you are interested drop me a line here or at:
If not interested, look at them anyway, they are who I once was.
world's end
I was not yet 20 and I was very good at hiding.

black and blue
The colours I used were remarkably accurate.
eager to please
I was never without a sense of irony.

memorial ready
Sorrow exposes.

Winged but still grounded.
the 2nd tattoo
rough and smooth
patriotic full
I really do have no idea.

And in a different category-these I was going to hold onto but I am determined to let it all go.

Mermaids is a framed, collaged piece, covered with a heavy leaded glass that was textured to look like water. It is quite a heavy piece. And it is very unlike me. Seldom do I shoot a stranger. This piece is available (I think) for $165 including US shipping, $199 international.
mermaids ready

Eye to eye
A large unglassed piece. Neither of the eyes is mine.
The gelatin silver print of the eye is one of the last I ever made on Azo before it was no longer obtainable. SOLD .
eye to eye
bound by sight

I do not know if these will be of interest to anyone. But I thought they deserved a chance.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Watching the words grow

They were of reasonable size, but it remained to be seen if they survived a very long drought.
Watching the words grow

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Windows without a view

Sadly the glass was not transparent, but at least the sun still shone through.
windows without a view

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time Counts - My annual tradition

'Tis the season for my annual calendar. An oversized 13.5 x 19 inch calendar on premium paper with 12 large format images, most never before shown.
You can see a complete preview here
(click on 'Time Counts' to get to preview).
Go look. Do it now.

The rabbit's annual calendar

Begin Again: The Need for the Whip

I made the terrible mistake of cleaning up my shooting room. Things were going well. I could afford to eat what I wanted and buy film without struggling. And I couldn't take a shot. I had crippled my eyes. Then I remembered a conversation I had eavesdropped on by two quite brilliant professors over 20 years ago. The phrase I came away with was 'The need for the whip'. Some people find no comfort in order. 'The need for the whip' is the need for a touch of chaos in order to produce work.
So I have my working title. And once I have my title I can see again. For me, it always starts with words.

Part I
The Family Portrait
Family Portrait
Family is relative.

Part II
Spent 5 days at the Casa de Union Memorial Hospital. I feel like a pincushion-12 blood draws in 5 days. I am accustomed to the arms and hands but this time they tacked on 4 to the stomach. That was new. I must say I didn't much care for it. Although I did give the doctor my card so he and the staff could look at my work and I feel it was well received.
